miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010



An expatriate is a person permanent or temporarily residing in a conutry and culture other than that of the person´s upbringing or legal residence.
An expatriate in a company becomes ambassador of te culture, the knowledge and he philosophy of the organization.
Having an expatriate employee is really expensive thats why its possible to talk to an expatriated about quality and not quality; they have to be trustworthy employees and to ave all the support of the organization.


Population phenomenon in which an individual or groups of individuals move from it´s habitat towards a new location implying permanence in the new place.

Reasons: roads construction, media development, rural economic difficulties, armed conflict, health and education conditions, growth of public administration.

In the case of transnational migrations: polotical social religious and racial persecution, lack of resources, environment conditions, armed conflict


The position to govern towards inmigration should be of undertanding because it is NOBODIES FAULT, in this case we have to be cozy (it could happen to any one), and try to help in any case it could be looking for job alternatives, giving food, clothes, health care etc.

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