miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010


The documentary was really interesting because it showed part of the reality of NK, by part I refer to the negative intentions of the reporter because he focused all the investigation in the negative side of this country, during the film we could appreciate how repressive and radical this government is, people is not free and they are obligated to do what the dictatorial regime wants, people earn one dollar per month and they are not able to the free use of internet, movies, or tv because everything is filtered and controlled, the civil society sees the dictator as a god thinking that everything that he does is correct, this NK regime claims to be socialist that consist in equality among all, what is weir is that regular people ride bicycles and the elites ride Mercedes Benz, I don't agree with this kind of government because there is not freedom at all and they live in constant fear thanks to a ghost that is going to attack the in anytime making all the citizens paranoids and spiteful; what I can rescue about all this critics is that the 99% of the population know how to write and read, that they are very disciplined and clean.

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